This video podcast was recorded on our Alaska caribou hunt, as we spent a day stuck in camp, waiting for a swollen river to recede to safe levels — allowing us to begin rafting to our pickup point, where we would get flown out of the field a couple of days later.

Steve, Mark, Justin, & Jeff discuss how they each killed a caribou bull in the days before this conversation. They detail how each encounter happened, what they did right, and what they did wrong.

Watch the video by hitting play in the header above (or on YouTube), or listen to that audio via the podcast below (or on Spotify)…

Justin’s Bull

Justin's Caribou Bull

A solid shovel, long bez, and good palmation up top. Justin’s bull, the first bull of the trip, set a high bar. Oh, and the backdrop didn’t suck either!

Steve’s Bull

Steve's Caribou Bull

Steve’s bull was the largest of the herd at the top of the mountain. He has great mass through the L-shaped beams and super cool bez above the shovel.

Jeff’s Bull

Jeff's Caribou Bull

Jeff’s bull has it all — shovel, bez, beams, and mass up top. A true giant that blew us all away.

Mark’s Bull

Mark's Caribou Bull

Mark’s bull was wild up front with double shovels and points on points.