With all 4 Caribou tags filled and the bulls packed off the mountain, the guys are ready to begin the 30-mile pack raft float to the airstrip where they are scheduled to be picked up. But an unexpected flood creates dangerous conditions and delays the float. When will the water return to a safe level and how will the pack rafts handle the loaded caribou and swift water?

Welcome to the HUNT film series of The Experience Project. This video series will document the three Alaska hunts we completed in the fall of 2024, for caribou, moose, and mountain goat.

With all 4 Caribou tags filled and the bulls packed off the mountain, the guys are ready to begin the 30-mile pack raft float to the airstrip where they are scheduled to be picked up. But an unexpected flood creates dangerous conditions and delays the float. When will the water return to a safe level and how will the pack rafts handle the loaded caribou and swift water?

Hit PLAY in the header above to watch Episode 4

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To learn more about how this hunt was planned, browse our collection of articles, podcasts, and videos that are part of the Alaska Caribou Hunt Resources.

Episode 4 — Gear Highlights

Episode 4 — Behind the Scenes

Filming, editing, and photography by @TheMtnExperience

That channel of water in the foreground is where the guys had their tents pitched hours earlier, before they woke up to water in their shelters at 3:00am

With the river rising by the hour, the guys spend a day passing time around camp. They were short on packed food and ate plenty of caribou to keep them full.

After waiting and waiting, the river recedes to a level where they are comfortable loading up the rafts and attempting to float.

Small rafts, swift water, and big mountains. The float was thrilling.

The Alpacka Rafts loaded down with all 4 caribou. All of the meat, the guys’ packs, boots, and all of their gear are secured inside the rafts’ tubes.

After finishing the float in the dark, and getting off the river in the pouring rain, the guys get some much-needed sleep before being picked up at the airstrip the next morning.

Back in civilization (in a local friend’s backyard), the guys prepare meat and antlers to be shipped home via Alaska Air Cargo.