Unlike the day hunter, the multi-day backpack hunter carries a shelter and sleep system that allows them to live in the backcountry for days at a time.

A “sleep system” is used inside your shelter to provide temperature regulation and comfort, enabling you to sleep well and rest up for the next day’s adventure.

The 3 key components of a sleep system are: a sleeping bag or quilt, a sleeping pad, and a pillow.

In addition to watching the video (above, or on YouTube), Mark & Steve also recorded an in-depth podcast conversation about sleep systems for backpack hunting…

Header Photo: Steve wakes up from his bivy on a Bighorn Sheep hunt in the Frank Church Wilderness

Key Concepts

  • A sleep system should be considered with your shelter choice, but don’t think that you have to have different sleep system options if you use different shelter options.
  • The clothing you pack should be a consideration for your sleep system, especially when you are considering the temperature rating of your sleeping bag/quilt.
  • Quilts have clear advantages over sleeping bags for weight savings, versatility, performance, price, and more. But they do require some intentionality to be used effectively.
  • Answers to common questions/objections about quilts, including whether to have a fully open quilt vs a quilt with a sewn foot box, how to manage heat loss at the head since quilts do not have hoods, and more
  • How to eliminate drafts with quilts, and the different types of quilt-to-pad attachment systems
  • Choosing between natural down and synthetic insulation for sleeping bags and quilts, and understanding the differences between the insulation types
  • Understand the “fill power” rating of down insulation and an explanation of what you get from a higher fill power (such as 850), compared to a lower fill power (such as 650)
  • How to compare the specs of down sleeping bags and quilts and interpret those specs to make an informed buying decision
  • How to care for and store a down sleeping bag or quilt to get the best performance and life out of your sleeping gear
  • The importance of a sleeping pad’s R-value, how that value is determined, and what it means for you
  • Why sleeping pad thickness isn’t the only factor in a pad’s comfort and support and how to evaluate the comfort of a sleeping pad
  • Sleeping pad valve styles and inflation methods, and our favorite types and methods
  • The non-gear elements that affect your warmth when sleeping in the backcountry
  • The value of sleep and why you may not want to go ultralight with your sleep system, especially on extended hunts
  • Why a dedicated pillow is part of a sleep system and no longer an optional “luxury item” in our packs
  • Tips and tricks to improve sleep quality in the backcountry including medications/supplements, nutrition/hydration strategies, and more

Gear Links

Here are links to some of the items mentioned in the video and podcast above. The Experience Project is 100% free from advertisers, sponsorships, or partners, so these links reflect the gear we have independently chosen and used for multiple years on our backcountry adventures…

Have Questions?

We will be doing Q&A in future podcasts and videos, so let us know if you have a question that we should consider discussing.