Prior to launching The Experience Project we had a list of topics that we wanted to cover. And as that list grew, we realized that everything fell into one of three categories — The Gear, The Hunt, and The Hunter.

The Hunt category will explore what is required to plan and execute a backcountry hunting adventure.

While every Hunt is unique in terms of season, species, location, and other variables, there are common themes that need to be addressed for each Hunt when it comes to planning, scouting, logistics, and understanding the species you are hunting.

Although our context for The Experience Project this year (fall of 2024) is three unique hunts in Alaska, our goal with The Hunt category is to both discuss what is unique about our hunts, as a helpful resource for hunters who may hunt Alaska in the future, and to also share some of the broadly applicable aspects of The Hunt that can be applied to where, when, and what you may be hunting now, and in the future.

If you have any specific topics, questions, or suggestions for what you would like us to cover in The Hunt, be sure to let us know.